// January 23rd, 2012 // Doing What I know, endurance, Mental Training, Physical Training, stretching, success, Training, Ultra-marathon

What’s the deal with not stretching????

I had two days to stretch.  I should have done a good stretch at least one day but I didn’t do anything either day!!  What a mess.  My left hamstring is so tight it’s hurting today.

Son of a gun.  I think it’s the way that I look at stretching.  “It’s not a big deal” (meaning it’s not hard to do) translates into, “It’s not important.” So I put it off!  I don’t think I have to put a 15 minute stretch in my schedule but I think I do have to decide each day when I am going to stretch regardless.

Heck I can do it while I read at night!

Can you imagine, I’m willing to run 18 miles today but I’ll get home and procrastinate stretching??  What the…???

OK, for my own good I’m committing to running the 18 and then doing a full stretch upon my return.


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