Archive for stretching

The Two Jims or Mentors Aren’t A Dime A Dozen

// February 3rd, 2012 // Comments Off on The Two Jims or Mentors Aren’t A Dime A Dozen // Being the Best You, exercise, Mental Training, stretching, Training, Ultra-marathon

I went to my local running store yesterday to pick up a couple of things, to include The Stick, to help me stretch my thighs and hamstrings.  I’m looking forward to healing from the injuries and “almost injuries”, and hope this stuff will help.

I was psyched that at least one of Jims (both informal mentors) who work at the store was there.  Jim 1 (a helluva guy, and a great runner) told me about Jim 2 (a freak of an ultra runner and “the man” as I call him) who had just run 50 miles in 6:28.  What the…?!  There’s inspiration.  Man I need that.  I need to hear what others are doing so I can be inspired to do my best or to beat them!  Now I aint beating Jimbo anytime soon but I can see what’s possible if I apply myself.  And that’s cool.  Crazy…Jim 2 is going to be running the Vermont 100 with me though for only about 2/3 of the time.  The rest of the time, he’ll be eating, sleeping or whatever he wants; I’ll be still hustling!

After ordering some sneakers and gawking at all the cool stuff, I got some sage advice from Jim 1 that I knew but needed to hear.  All jacked up about getting going and putting in more milage (and after telling him about what my injury was) he told me to chill.  “It’s ok, Ron.  You’ve got a long way to go and you WANT to heal.  Don’t run, it’s okay.”  I’m sighing as I write.  Permission!  I need to cut myself some slack.

Man we all need mentors who will tell us when we need to stop loafing and when it’s ok to “be still”.  Isn’t that wisdom though, to know the season you’re in (by choice or foist) and to respond thoughtfully from there?

Thanks Jim 1 for the permission slip!


Knee Isn’t Having It

// February 2nd, 2012 // Comments Off on Knee Isn’t Having It // endurance, exercise, Mental Training, Progress, stretching, success, Ultra-marathon, Uncategorized

My knee felt fine yesterday (resting after 22 miles and a messed up knee) so I was feeling good about doing my 6.5 mile sprint.  I stretched at home, jogged out front to warm up and I didn’t get 20 yards when my knee made its point clear, “There will be no running today.”

I’m going to have to hit the running store and get “The Stick” which I’ve heard helps stretch muscles and a stuck facia really well.  I may be on “forced leave” for a few days.

Enter mental training.  I’ll do some visualizing of the race and my strong, healed body for some of the time that I would have run.

Not part of my plan and I knew that something might go “off”.  I’m not too worried.  Not my preference, particularly as next week will be tough to get out and run a long while but…I’m not worried.  Even the training is an endurance process not an event.

Thinking this way is progress for me.



Quickie Update

// January 26th, 2012 // Comments Off on Quickie Update // Just an Update, stretching

Nothing Tuesday, Insanity (vigorous legs/cardio routine) yesterday and today I plan on doing a fast 10.5.

Work has me running in a different way so I may have to pull it off tonight but I do need to get the miles in.

I NEED to stretch!


Not Happy

// January 23rd, 2012 // Comments Off on Not Happy // endurance, exercise, Mental Training, running, stretching, success, Training

I just ran 19.  I was planning 18 but intentionally turned off of my planned route as I couldn’t bear the predictability that would have been my run otherwise.

Oh, I stretched out good after the run. That’s a good thing.

I have to tell you, that’s my longest run since I did my 50 mile run 3 1/2 years ago–and I hurt.  My legs feel like they weigh 100 lbs. each, they are tight and even my toes are sore.

Many runners kill time and even content themselves on long runs by calculating their estimated times, pace and time of completion.  Thoughts of  being 1/2 done or 2/5 of the way “there” both help us pace ourselves and offer a bit of comfort on the long road we put ourselves on.  I ran 19 today (19.03!).  That’s not even 1/5 of the total distance I have to run.  Sorry, but I’m  not proud, glad to be done or whatever.

The most prominent feeling I have is the one you get when you’re on a ride you knew better than to get on–and it’s just started. I want off and I can’t.



// January 23rd, 2012 // Comments Off on FAILED! // Doing What I know, endurance, Mental Training, Physical Training, stretching, success, Training, Ultra-marathon

What’s the deal with not stretching????

I had two days to stretch.  I should have done a good stretch at least one day but I didn’t do anything either day!!  What a mess.  My left hamstring is so tight it’s hurting today.

Son of a gun.  I think it’s the way that I look at stretching.  “It’s not a big deal” (meaning it’s not hard to do) translates into, “It’s not important.” So I put it off!  I don’t think I have to put a 15 minute stretch in my schedule but I think I do have to decide each day when I am going to stretch regardless.

Heck I can do it while I read at night!

Can you imagine, I’m willing to run 18 miles today but I’ll get home and procrastinate stretching??  What the…???

OK, for my own good I’m committing to running the 18 and then doing a full stretch upon my return.
