
// January 31st, 2012 // Being the Best You, Doing What I know, running, success, Training, Ultra-marathon

Well I got excited, did more mileage sooner than I’d planned.  I got over zealous and broken–not too bad, I hope but…

In the matter of less than two weeks I bumped my mileage 6 miles.  I ran about 18 and walked/hobbled 4–glamourous!


Ron, the plan was 2 miles every two weeks.  Last week you did 19 twice–and prematurely!  Today 22???  Dude.  You can hurt yourself by trying to do too much before its season, you know.

Now your knee kills.

Okay boy, stretch, ice, rest. And hope your “renegotiation” doesn’t cost you the progress you were overly ambitious to experience.

What you plan in “sobriety” don’t renegotiate in “intoxication”.


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