I’m Not the Man So I Don’t Have to Train Like Him!

// January 6th, 2012 // Uncategorized

Ok, I talked to Jim who is an elite runner whose schedule I was following. He had him/us down for 7 miles in the morning and 10 in the evening! I’m laughing even now! I homeschool, have work and don’t have time to stretch, workout, stretch, shower and repeat a second time in a day!

So a conversation with the master has him thinking that I’ll be great with:

– a long run (12 miles currently) that grows by 2 miles every other week culminating in 40 mile long runs in May/June
– a similar but slightly shorter distance run at marathon (swift) pace the following day
-a couple or few rest days (stretching)
-a day with hills and/or a day with a series of varying length sprints

Still a lot but with those rest/mercy days, I’ll be able to manage the training and be very ready for my 100 mile jaunt in July.

So…no run yesterday but I’m headed out for 6.5 now. This is the one that I really like to do. I have a personal record of 42:26 and love to hustle and see if I can beat it. Now that I’ve written this and will be posting later hopefully I’ll have that little extra motivation.

A little more work, abs workout, run, shower and back to work with me!

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