Archive for Physical Training

Turning My Week Around

// January 20th, 2012 // Comments Off on Turning My Week Around // endurance, exercise, Mental Training, Physical Training, running, success, Training, Ultra-marathon

The week started off with me, medicating Green Bay’s crushing defeat to the Giants, eating fists-full of Nutter Butters.  That was Sunday.

Monday, Ron no run.


Tuesday – 13.5 *Good*

Wednesday – personal record time for 6.5 “sprint” *really good*

Thursday – Rest and I need to stretch more betterer.

Friday – 18 miles.  *Nice*

I twisted my ankle recently so I may rest the next two days or just tomorrow.  It started bothering me at about mile 13.

I’ve got to tell you my ego/scammer/saboteur/it, whatever you want to call it, was hassling me all week to NOT run or turn down the milage or…but I kicked butt instead.  Back at you, scammer!  You know, we’re in control of a lot more than we accept the responsibility for.

Tomorrow marks 6 months ’til race-day.  Actually, I have a countdown going.  It’s 182 days, 7 hours, 21 minutes and 53 seconds until we start.

Sleep Good.

I will.


It’s an Interesting Thing

// January 19th, 2012 // Comments Off on It’s an Interesting Thing // Doing What I know, endurance, exercise, Mental Training, Physical Training, running, success, Training, Ultra-marathon

I was just thinking about how long my long run will be next week–it should be 16.  I’m thinking of doing 17.5 instead.  (17.5 because I measured out a course that seems like it would be an adventure to run.)

I’m feeling something interesting that I remember feeling when I was training for the 50 mile run I did 2 1/2 years ago.  It’s the feeling I get when I’m so far beyond my comfort zone in my work(out) that I just shake my head and all I can do is what’s on my calendar–regardless of the distance or pain involved.

You see (where I am now), I can fuss about 14 or even 16 miles but when I have to go 20 or 26 or…(I’ll probably max out at 40) it is just so ridiculous that complaining won’t help and “fitting it in” isn’t an option–It’s the main event.  When it’s the main event, it pushes all else aside and makes conquering this mountain (literally in some cases!) my sole focus and moves all other options to the side.  Success, completion, enduring is what will be.  When someone drops you off 30 miles from home, there is (for the most part) one option: run/keep going until…

I think I need more focused effort on a couple compelling goals and entire days devoted exclusively to take the extraordinary actions that need to be confronted (a la being dropped off 30 miles from home) to achieve my big dreams. From experience in training for the Ironman and my 50 mile run (and scores of shorter distance events) I know that it’s my willingness to do the courageous thing–that must be done, and to do it over the necessary period of time (to grow in endurance) that prepares me (and anyone else) for the endurance-event that life is.

My next job as I’m confronted by my own words here is to clarify a couple things that get all of my attention and then kick them in the ass.

I’ve got a relationship I want more from (big one).

Some other things on my list:

My live show in NYC needs to be great.

I want to be more potent and compelling and helpful via Social media.

Develop into a simply lethal motivational Speaker.

Oh to have more time.  (YOU KNOW—SCAM!!!!) I need to be bold enough to choose and consistent enough to produce the results I want.

More tomorrow.


“Off” Today

// January 7th, 2012 // Comments Off on “Off” Today // Doing What I know, Mental Training, Physical Training

My continued struggle with actually stretching has to stop.

I’m “off” today; it’s a rest day.  Probably the same for tomorrow. The deal is, that I want to take a mental break and not think about it either but the truth is that I have to…at least a bit.

Not stretching and pushing through an injury cost me in my upper body work this summer.  I KNOW I need to continue to care for my body through rest and continually improved flexibility but I need to get serious or I’ll not be able to run my great race because of a “little thing”.  Oh the irony that I’m willing to put in piles of hours to build my strength and endurance but not so quick to slow and stretch.

This isn’t a journal about my race as much as it is about me and my goals, strengths, shortsightedness-my process (life) as I look to do great things with my life.  I need to do better at the nuances, the less glamorous, the “behind the scenes” stuff. Ug.  I’ve stopped doing several things in my life that used to give me strength to be my best. Crap.

I’ve got some thinking to do.




// January 6th, 2012 // Comments Off on Interesting… // Mental Training, Physical Training

I ran my 6.5 in 42:57-not too bad considering I had to stop and stretch as one of my hamstrings was seizing up.

Lesson: The harder I run the more tight I get…quicker!  Stretch Ronnie-boy, stretch.

It’s funny, I went out fast, kept a good pace but backed off between mile 2 and 3 thinking/feeling that I couldn’t sustain my pace. After falling behind a bit (and needing to stretch) I picked up the pace and ran like a fool (very fast – 5k pace) for the last 3.5 and noticed that though my legs hurt, I wasn’t out of breath at all.  I could feel the reasons flowing from my mind as to why I should slow down a bit.  My goal (<42:26) kept me moving and finished strong with a good time for an important workout in my weekly routine.

The metaphors abound for me. How else, in my life, do I slow so I can “sustain” when I have the ability to work harder/quicker for longer periods of time and “sustain” at that level?  I think most people sell themselves short when they consider and attempt what they think is their limit.

What am I really capable of?  Not the nice to think about version of this question…really, what am I capable of?