
// July 19th, 2012 // Uncategorized

Corn Starch (don’t ask)…check!

Peanut M&M’s…check!

Cliff Bars…check!

Socks and extra socks…check!

Extra sneakers…check!

Hat…I don’t want to wear a hat.  Do you want your poofy hair to be an incessantly infested nest for black flies?  No.  Then will you be wearing a hat?  Hat…CHECK!

1 day, 12 hours and 7 minutes.

I’m excited, nervous, ready to be done…

I’m excited to start.  I’m excited to hold the silver buckle that says I did the Vermont 100 in less than 24 hours.  I’m excited to see the miles tick past and to get past mile 50 when I feel I can actually start a count down.

I’m nervous that I could get sick.  I’m nervous that I could get hurt. I’m nervous that I won’t finish for some reason.

I’m so ready to be done and to put this event, which I hold as both a completion of a long period of training and preparation, heart ache and celebration and a commencement of a new life I intend on creating after this event.

Thanks to all of you who have been with me on this journey and who have asked me about my health (mental and otherwise) and cared so much about this process.  It’s from you that I’ve come to realize what a big deal this 100 mile event really is.

This journal will convert in time (give me time!!!) to a journal that captures what I’m working on personally and professionally that honors the ideals in both The Uncompromised and in a big ole goal like, “Run 100 miles, Ron, because of who it’ll make of you to be able to show up and run it-let alone finish it.”  So going forward I’ll invite others to contribute what their “100 Mile” goals are and to use this forum as a place for support, advice, appreciation and fun–yup, even fun!

Here I go everyone!

Don’t Compromise, Ron…check!



One Response to “Prep”

  1. Dr. Di says:

    Rock it.